What are things you need to play volleyball?

In order to actually be able to play volleyball you will need a court. Not only do you need a volleyball court to play on, you also need two teams of a total of six players on each team. It is very helpful if you have a few more than just six players. Think about all the things that could happen, somebody could get hurt, or someone might not have a good day and they could be messing up causing your team to lose points, so you would want to put someone in for that person to do better. Not only do you just need a court or two teams with six people each, you need a volleyball bag with your materials in it. Some materials that you need for either a game or practice might include…

  1.  Volleyball Shoes
  2. Knee pads
  3. Ankle Brace/Knee Brace
  4. Spandex or Shorts
  5. Jersey or A shirt
  6. A Ponytail Holder
  7. Deodorant
  8. Lotion
  9. Ribbon
  10. Money
  11. Hair Brush
  12. Extra pair of socks
  13. Pre-Wrap
  14. Tape

This is just a list of most of the things I keep in my own volleyball bag. Some people often have different things, but it does not matter. The main things are volleyball shoes, knee pads, and a comfortable outfit for practice, or for a game your jersey and spandex. I hope this blog helps you out for things you might need, be prepared for my next blog that will be published next week!

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