Do You Want To Be A Great Player?

Like just about any athlete in any other sport, a certain amount of muscle is needed to perform the various moves with great strength and success. Each sport is specific to the types of options that are needed, and volleyball is one of them. When it comes to being successful on the volleyball court, athletes need to be able to jump high, dart quickly, and hit with force. That means that strong quads, flexible hamstrings, and powerful gluteals are crucial. This goes for both male and female athletes. Volleyball is a tough and demanding sport, requiring speed, agility, and explosiveness. And the place to develop such traits is in the weight room. Weight lifting is beneficial for just about every sport, but especially for volleyball athletes. Lifting weights is an absolutely critical part of volleyball training. It helps athletes develop the skills necessary for success on the court. From out-jumps, to out-cuts, to out-sprinting opponents, weight lifting is important. Watch for my next post for three amazing reasons on why volleyball players should work their muscles and train!

2 thoughts on “Do You Want To Be A Great Player?

  1. I wish you the best in volleyball!! You are so good at it, I want to see you succeed!! You go gf!!

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